How did we get here? If you’ve been around for a while or worked in a start-up that didn’t think it had to scale to the bazillions from the get-go you’ve probably started out with one database and one monolith. Things were smooth, things were fast. You would care about squeezing the last drop of… Continue reading Gedankenspiel: Back to The DB™?
Kategorie: programming
1,736,616 tests
Never hit „run all tests“ on a well-aged FOSS project.
Loops for Beginners
This is a shallow tutorial about loops for programming beginners (as my wife). It should get you kick-started but please don’t stop here. There’s a lot more to explore.I chose JavaScript since you can run it right here in your browser’s dev tools (CTRL+SHIFT+i in most browsers, then choose console). There might be some things… Continue reading Loops for Beginners
VLC batch convert to mp3
What I wanted Convert a single(!) file (mp4, flv, …) to mp3 using VLC via command line and trash the original video without having to re-type all the VLC stuff over and over again. How I did it I wrote a very simple batch file that does the work for me. Here’s my setup: I… Continue reading VLC batch convert to mp3
Zu faul zum bloggen
Bin wohl kein geborener Blogger; wozu auch? ConsoleInvaders liegt vorerst auch Eis und auch für myXMLsql2 fehlt momentan die Zeit. Zeit die verfügbar ist wird in Android Entwicklung investiert werden und vielleicht ein wenig ins Studium. Heute geht’s erstmal zu IAMX ins Astra. Bin sehr gespannt; hab verschiedenes über ihre Live-Performances gehört. Cheerio